![]() |
經歷: |
2010~now | Deputy Director, Center for Teeth Bank and Dental Stem Cell Biotechnology, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan |
2011~2013 | Secretary General, Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research (TSSCR), Taiwan |
2014~now |
Professor and Director, Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Cell
Biology,Graduate Institute of Medical
Sciences, College of Medicine, Taipei
Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan Member of Director Board, Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research (TSSCR), Taiwan Member of Director Board, Taiwan Association for Cell Therapy (TACT) Committee member of JIRB, Taipei Medical University (TMU-JIRB), Taiwan Committee member of Regeneration Medicine Board, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan (TFDA 再生醫學諮議小組委員會) |
2015~now |
Director, TMU Center for Cell Therapy
and Regeneration Medicine, Taipei
Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan Committee Member of Regeneration Medicine and Cell Therapy Development Board, Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOWH衛生福利部再生醫學及細胞治療發展諮議會委員) |
2016~now | Director, TMU GTP Laboratory, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan |
研究簡介 | 授課科目 | 榮譽與服務 | 研究計畫 | 著作專利

年 度 |
獎項名稱 |
2016 |
2016 台灣癌症醫學會
The Outstanding Basic
Research Award for Cancer
Medicine of Dr. Da-Cheng
Tung, The Chinese Oncology
Society (COS)) 2016 科技部105年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵 2016臺灣女科技人群像介紹 |
2015 |
2015臺北醫學大學國際頂尖論文獎 (2015 The
International Top Journal
Research Award of Taipei
Medical University) 2015 臺北醫學大學研究論文獎¬—優良獎 (2015 The Excellent Prize Research Award of Taipei Medical University 2015 科技部104年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵 2015 The Prize Oral Award, “Insulin-like Growth Factor I Stimulates Cell Migration Through SDF-1/CXCR4 Regulation in Mouse Germline Stem Cells”, 2015 Taiwan Society For Stem Cell Research (2015 TSSCR), Taipei, Taiwan 2015 The Prize Poster Award, “Insulin-like Growth Factor I Stimulates the Expressions of HIF-2α and Oct-4 Requiring α6 Integrin in Mouse Germline Stem Cells”, 2014 Taiwan Society For Stem Cell Research (2015 TSSCR), Taipei, Taiwan |
2014 |
2014 The Prize Poster Award, “Insulin-like Growth Factor I Stimulates the Expressions of HIF-2α and Oct-4 Requiring α6 Integrin in Mouse Germline Stem Cells”, 2014 Taiwan Society For Stem Cell Research (2014 TSSCR), Taipei, Taiwan 2014 科技部103年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵 |
2013 |
2013 臺北醫學大學師鐸獎 (2013 Faculty Award of Taipei Medical University in Excellence of Teaching, Administration, and Research.)
2013 The First Prize Oral
Award, “IGF-1R-HIF-2a Signal
Loop Supports the 2013 The Prize Poster Award, “Interleukin-6 Regulates Stemness Expression and Early Recurrence of HBV-related Hepatocellular Carcinoma via IGF-IR Activation” & “Role of IGF-1R Signaling in Oct-4 Maintenance of Alkaline Phosphatase Positive Germline Stem Cells”. 2013 The 27th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. 2013 The Excellent Research Paper Award,” Interleukin-6 Regulates Stemness Expression and Early Recurrence of HBV-related Hepatocellular Carcinoma via IGF-IR Activation “. 2013 Teachers and Students Joint Academic Research Symposium,Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan 2013 The Prize Poster Award, “ IGF-IR-HIF-2a Signaling Loop Supports the Cell Proliferation and Oct4 Maintenance of Alkaline Phosphatase Positive Mouse Germline Stem Cell. 2013 Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research (2013 TSSCR), Taipei, Taiwan. 2013 The Prize Poster Award, “ HBx Stimulates the Expression of Stemness-related Properties through SENP1in HBV-related Hepatocellular Carcinomas. 2013 Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research (2013 TSSCR), Taipei, Taiwan.
臺北醫學大學師鐸獎 |
2012 |
2012 The Prize Poster Award,
“ IL-6 stimulates stemness
properties and early
recurrence of HCC through
IGF-IR activation. 2012
Taiwan Society for Stem Cell
Research (2012 TSSCR),
Taipei, Taiwan. 2012 The Second Prize Award of Excellent Research, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan 2012 The Best Teacher Award, School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 |
2011 The Second Prize
Oral Award, “ SENP1
Regulates OCT4 Under
Hypoxia: Effect of
Sumoylation on Protein
Stability and Drug
Susceptibility of Human
Pluripotent Germ Cell
Tumors” 2011 International
Symposium on Recent Advances
in Pluripotent Stem Cells
&7th Annual Meeting of
Taiwan Society for Stem Cell
Research (2011 TSSCR). 2011 The First Prize Oral Award, “Inflammation enhances the transformation of epithelial-like endometrium stem cells and initiates endometriosis”. 2011 Taiwan Society for Reproductive Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan (2011 TSRM) The First Prize Award of Excellent Research, “Role of IL-6-IGF-1R Signaling in Early Recurrence and OCT4/NANOG Expression of HBV-related HCCs”. Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan 2011 The Best Teacher Award, School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan |
2010 |
2010 臺北醫學大學第一屆校級優良教師 2010 Prize Poster Award, “Crosstalking of Hypoxia and IGF-1 Signaling in Transformation of Mouse Germline Stem Cells”. The 18th Conference of The Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology, Kaoshung, Taiwan 2010 The First Prize Poster Award, “Role of inflammation in transformation of epithelial-like endometrium stem cells and it’s implication on endometriosis”. 2010 Taiwan Society for Reproductive Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan (2010 TSRM) 2010 The First Prize Award of Excellent Research, “Role of Inflammation in Transformation of Epithelial-like Endometrium Stem Cells and its Implication on Endometriosis”, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan The Second Prize Award of Excellent Research, “IGF-1 is Required for Maintenance of Pluripotency of Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells”, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan 2010 The Best Teacher Award, School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan 教學評量優良教師 (醫學系、保健系) 99
2009 |
2009 Prize Award, The 7th
Conference of the Pacific
Rim Society for Fertility
and Sterility (PRSFS 2009) –
“ Hypoxia Stress Enhances
the IGF-1 Signaling in
Pluripotent Mouse Germline
Stem Cells” , Taipei, Taiwan
(2009 PRSFS) 2009 Prize Award, The 7th Conference of the Pacific Rim Society for Fertility and Sterility (PRSFS 2009)- “Role of IGF-1/IGF-1R Signaling in Mouse Germline Stem Cells’ Pluripotency and Tumorigenesis”, Taipei, Taiwan (2009 PRSFS) 2009 Prize Poster Award, “Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 is Required for Pluripotency of Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells”. The 17th Conference of The Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology, Kaoshung, Taiwan 2009 The First Prize Award of Excellent Research, “Cross-talking of Hypoxia and IGF-1 Signaling in Pluripotent Spermatogonial Stem Cells“, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan 2009 The Best Teacher Award, School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan |
生化學科主任 (2014-02-01~)
行政院國家科學委員會 計畫初審委員(97/02/03~)
American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
Fertility & Sterility
BMC Developmental Biology
計畫編號 |
計畫名稱 |
輔助機關 |
總核定金額 |
執行起始日 |
執行終止日 |
MOST105-2628-B-038-008MY3(1-3) | 探討HBx蛋白與雄性激素受體調控蛋白小泛素化SUMO修飾酵素SENP1與B型肝炎誘發肝癌細胞表現癌幹細胞特性之分子機制與臨床意義 (1/3) | 科技部 | 1,860,000 |
2017/7/31 |
MOST104-2321-B-038-003 | 探討萬能分化性、再程序化與生殖系細胞分化之分子基礎-探討幹細胞萬能分化性表現於胚胎期萬能性幹細胞與體組織癌細胞之不同調控機制與其在人類疾病之臨床意義-- 微環境生長因子/細胞素訊息、細胞外基質、與表基因體調節網之交互作用(子計畫三)(2/2) | 科技部 | 2,800,000 |
2016/9/30 |
NSC102-2628-B-038-008-MY3(3-3) | 低氧環境下HBX與介白素IL-6調控SUMO加工酵素SENP1與誘導HBV相關肝癌細胞表現幹細胞特性及其臨床意義(3/3) | 科技部 | 1,660,000 |
2016/7/31 |
TMU-T104-06 | 幹細胞基礎研究與前臨床動物試驗 | 臺北醫學大學 | 1,200,000 | 2015/8/1 | 2016/7/31 |
104TMU-TMUH-04 | 探討缺氧環境中透過Hif-2α支配的Igf-1r—Cxcr4訊號迴路調控小鼠生殖系幹細胞爬行作用機制 | 臺北醫學大學附設醫院 | 500,000 | 2015/6/1 | 2016/5/31 |
A-104-011 | StemBios幹細胞研究計畫 | StemBios Technologies, Inc. | 8,000,000 | 2014/12/15 | 2017/12/14 |
MOST103-2321-B-038-011 | 探討萬能分化性、再程序化與生殖系細胞分化之分子基礎-探討幹細胞萬能分化性表現於胚胎期萬能性幹細胞與體組織癌細胞之不同調控機制與其在人類疾病之臨床意義-- 微環境生長因子/細胞素訊息、細胞外基質、與表基因體 | 科技部 | 2,800,000 | 2014/10/1 | 2015/9/30 |
A-103-057 | StemBios幹細胞混和複合式材料於皮膚傷口修復能力之動物模式評估研究計畫 | StemBios Technologies, Inc. | 3,000,000 | 2014/9/1 | 2015/8/31 |
NSC102-2628-B-038-008-MY3(2-3) | 低氧環境下HBX與介白素IL-6調控SUMO加工酵素SENP1與誘導HBV相關肝癌細胞表現幹細胞特性及其臨床意義(2/3) | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 1,660,000 | 2014/8/1 | 2015/7/31 |
103TMU-TMUH-05 | 探討胞外基質Laminin與類胰島素生長因子-1於精原幹細胞自我更新之訊息傳遞機制 | 臺北醫學大學附設醫院 | 450,000 | 2014/6/1 | 2015/5/31 |
103TMU-WFH-01-2 |
小分子團水對降低血脂膽固醇之動物模式與其在粥狀動脈硬化症之臨床意義探討 |
500,000 | 2014/6/1 | 2015/5/31 |
NSC 102-2321-B-038-001 |
從多能性幹細胞到生殖細胞-微環境訊息傳遞網對多功能性精原幹細胞自我更新與遷移之調控與人類多功能性幹細胞分化為配子的可能性--子計畫三(3/3) |
行政院國家科學委員會 |
2,801,000 |
2013/10/1 |
2014/9/30 |
NSC 102-2628-B-038-008-MY3(1-3) |
低氧環境下HBX與介白素IL-6調控SUMO加工酵素SENP1與誘導HBV相關肝癌細胞表現幹細胞特性及其臨床意義(1/3) |
行政院國家科學委員會 |
1,660,000 |
2013/8/1 |
2014/7/31 |
A-102-023 |
StemBios幹細胞於異體移植之動物模式前臨床試驗安全性與功能性評估 |
StemBios Technologies, Inc. |
2,000,000 |
2013/6/1 |
2014/5/31 |
102TMU-TMUH-13 |
子宮內膜異位症中乙式轉形生長因子在調控OCT4表現及上皮細胞/間葉細胞間轉型之角色探討 |
北醫大/附設醫院 |
450,000 |
2013/6/1 |
2014/5/31 |
NSC 101-2321-B-038-001 |
從多能性幹細胞到生殖細胞-微環境訊息傳遞網對多功能性精原幹細胞自我更新與遷移之調控與人類多功能性幹細胞分化為配子的可能性--子計畫三(2/3) |
行政院國家科學委員會 |
2,818,000 |
2012/10/1 |
2013/9/30 |
NSC 99-2628-B-038-009-MY3(3-3) |
探討類胰島素訊息與微環境因子(低氧與發炎)之訊息傳導迴路於癌幹細胞形成的角色與臨床分子標靶治療之意義(精原幹細胞模式) |
行政院國家科學委員會 |
1,340,000 |
2012/8/1 |
2013/7/31 |
NSC 100-2321-B-038-003 |
從多能性幹細胞到生殖細胞-微環境訊息傳遞網對多功能性精原幹細胞自我更新與遷移之調控與人類多功能性幹細胞分化為配子的可能性--子計畫三(1-3) |
行政院國家科學委員會 |
2,803,000 |
2011/10/1 |
2012/9/30 |
NSC 99-2628-B-038-009-MY3(2-3) |
探討類胰島素訊息與微環境因子(低氧與發炎)之訊息傳導迴路於癌幹細胞形成的角色與臨床分子標靶治療之意義(精原幹細胞模式) |
行政院國家科學委員會 |
1,340,000 |
2011/8/1 |
2012/7/31 |
100TMU-TMUH-13 |
發炎細胞激素與子宮內膜幹細胞於子宮內膜異位症所扮演的角色與其臨床意義 |
北醫大/附設醫院 |
500,000 |
2011/4/1 |
2012/3/31 |
NSC 99-3111-B-038-001 |
人類胚胎幹細胞與生殖腺幹細胞發育為生殖細胞過程中之基因轉殖、分化與後生調節(延續計畫)-以無血清之細胞培養模式探討調控精原幹細胞自我更新與命運程式再設定的可能因子以及其誘導人類胚胎幹細胞分化為精子的可能性(子計畫二) |
行政院國家科學委員會 |
2,000,000 |
2010/12/1 |
2011/9/30 |
NSC 99-2628-B-038-009-MY3(1-3) |
探討類胰島素訊息與微環境因子(低氧與發炎)之訊息傳導迴路於癌幹細胞形成的角色與臨床分子標靶治療之意義(精原幹細胞模式) |
行政院國家科學委員會 |
1,300,000 |
2010/8/1 |
2011/7/31 |
NSC 98-3111-B-038-001 |
人類胚胎幹細胞與生殖腺幹細胞發育為生殖細胞過程中之基因轉殖、分化與後生調節-子計畫二:以無血清之細胞培養模式探討調控精原幹細胞自我更新與命運程式再設定的可能因子以及其誘導人類胚胎幹細胞分化為精子的可能 |
行政院國家科學委員會 |
2,617,000 |
2009/12/1 |
2010/11/30 |